Volunteer at The Jungle Hub
At Jungle Hub, we love to have company and share our sustainable lifestyle with like-minded individuals. We understand that not everyone can afford to stay with us, and that’s why we started our volunteer program. It’s an opportunity for people to learn from us, enjoy the natural surroundings and contribute to the project by sharing their talents. Volunteers stay with us for a minimum of 2 weeks and assist with guest activities, cooking, and cleaning. During the rest of their time, they can choose to work in the gardens, create art, or engage in any other activity they are passionate about that could benefit the project. We believe in creating a collaborative community where everyone contributes and benefits from the experience.

Volunteer Positions

As a volunteer for this position you get to engage in various hands-on, outdoor activities such as water management, soil regeneration, building & maintaining paths, taking down dead trees and keeping the gardens beautiful. You can also assist with kitchen duties, such as preparing food, washing dishes or mopping floors. During retreats, you’ll also help to clean & prepare rooms for our (max. 4) guests.
Other optional tasks include working with plants (weeding, planting, watering, etc.), helping with shopping, or engaging in art projects. We don’t host retreats every week, so you’ll experience both retreat and non-retreat periods, allowing for a diverse and enriching experience. We offer our volunteers plenty of free time to explore our paths and enjoy our wonderful private waterfall.
Additionally, you are welcome to offer workshops or activities suitable to the retreat.

This opening is specifically for artists interested in creating a high-visibility mural in the main kitchen. Paint and other working materials will be provided after discussing the task with the artist. Other volunteers have tasks, such as kitchen chores and gardening, which are also possible to participate in. Other leisure activities include nature hikes, bathing in the river, bonfires and cacao ceremonies.
When there is no retreat happening, your schedule will be more flexible, with various tasks such as working in the garden (weeding, planting, watering, etc.), helping with maintenance, or engaging in art projects. We don’t host retreats every week, so as a long-term volunteer, you’ll experience both retreat and non-retreat periods, allowing for a diverse and enriching experience.
Additionally, you are welcome to offer workshops or activities suitable to the retreat.

Your main responsibility will be the kitchen: ensuring it is clean at all times, washing dishes, mopping floors, and assisting with food preparation. Experience in the kitchen is a bonus, as you’ll help chop vegetables and fruits, prepare breakfast for the retreat, serve guests, and handle hospitality tasks. You’ll also help clean rooms and assist during retreats.
When there is no retreat happening, your schedule will be more flexible, with various tasks such as working in the garden (weeding, planting, watering, etc.), helping with maintenance, or engaging in art projects. We don’t host retreats every week, so as a long-term volunteer, you’ll experience both retreat and non-retreat periods, allowing for a diverse and enriching experience.
Additionally, you are welcome to offer workshops or activities suitable to the retreat.